The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Pregnant women can receive a number of great benefits from chiropractic care during pregnancy.


Reduce lower back pain
– Reduce nausea
– Reduce  back pain and neck stiffness
– Reduce the chances of a C-section birth
– Reduce joint pain

-Restore pelvic balance and improve posture

-Reduce labor and delivery time

Chiropractors are highly trained to gently provide adjustments for women who are pregnant.  Many chiropractors not only have special techniques to help keep moms safe and comfortable during adjustments, but tools such as pregnancy pillows and adjusting tables to help them as well.  Pregnant moms who take the time to visit a chiropractor during their pregnancy will find that their overall pregnancy can be more comfortable and enjoyable as they keep their bodies and their babies healthy.

At Synergy Chiropractic, Dr. Cheri and her staff make specific chiropractic solutions available to pregnant women. In addition to reducing pain and nausea, a chiropractic program will help keep the pelvis properly aligned. A misaligned pelvis can reduce the amount of room available to the baby, making it more difficult for the baby to position itself properly for delivery. A properly aligned pelvis will increase the probability of a natural childbirth. In addition, Dr. Cheri Carlson is certified in the Webster Technique. Schedule an appointment today and experience the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Chiropractic care for pregnant women offers a healthy method of having a comfortable pregnancy and safe delivery!