Treating Knee Pain With Chiropractic Care

Treating knee pain with chiropractic care can be very beneficial in decreasing your level of pain
or discomfort. In addition, it can improve your mobility and function. Knee pain affects as many
as one in four Americans, making it one of the most common types of joint pain. The good
news is that often times chiropractic adjustments and therapies can help.

When to See a Chiropractor for Knee Pain:

  • If you are experiencing chronic knee pain
  • If your knee pain is related to misalignments or muscle imbalances
  • If you’d like to try a non-invasive approach to managing knee pain

Dr. Cheri will ask you a few questions and do a brief exam to determine if chiropractic care for
your knee pain is the right course of treatment.

Chiropractic knee adjustments can offer significant pain relief, as well as reducing grinding and
clicking sensations in the knee. Treatments can effectively improve your mobility and quality of

Key Ways Chiropractic Can Help with Knee Pain

  • Joint adjustments: gentle manipulations on the knee joint can improve alignment, and
    reduce restrictions.
  • Muscle imbalances: address muscle imbalances in the legs and hips through soft tissue
  • Postural correction: misaligned posture can contribute to knee pain; therefore, a full
    spinal adjustment can distribute your weight evenly.
  • Therapeutic exercises: Dr. Cheri will give you customized strengthening and stretching
    exercises to provide support and improve stability of the muscles around the knee.
  • Pain management: therapies such as ultrasound, e-stim, KT tape and acupuncture have
    proven beneficial to managing pain and reducing inflammation.

Knee Conditions Often Treated by a Chiropractor:

  • Tenonitis/tendinosis-inflammation of tendons in your knee joint
  • Bursitis-inflammation of fluid-filled sacs (bursa) on the inside of the knee joints
  • Cruciate ligament injuries– common among athletes and people who exercise regularly,
    involves the stretching or tearing of cruciate ligaments that severely reduce a person’s
  • Arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis